How to make a wicker basket?
Making a wicker basket can be a fun and creative project. It involves weaving together thin, flexible materials like willow, reed, or cane into a basket shape.
Here are the general steps to make a simple wicker basket:
Materials and Tools Needed:
  1. Wicker material (willow, reed, cane, etc.)
  2. Scissors or pruning shears
  3. Ruler or measuring tape
  4. Pencil or marker
  5. Bucket of water
  6. Towel
  7. Molds (optional, for shaping the basket)
  8. Clothespins or clips
  9. Wood glue (optional)
  10. Twine (optional)


  1. Prepare Your Wicker Material:
    • Start by soaking your wicker material (willow, reed, cane, etc.) in a bucket of water for several hours or overnight. This will make it more flexible and easier to work with.
    • Once soaked, remove the wicker material from the water and blot it dry with a towel to remove excess moisture.

  2. Design Your Basket:
    • Decide on the size and shape of your basket. You can create a pattern on paper or sketch it directly on the wicker material.

  3. Cut the Wicker Material:
    • Use scissors or pruning shears to cut the wicker material into strips of the desired length. The width of the strips will depend on your design.

  4. Create the Base:
    • Lay out two longer wicker strips parallel to each other to create the base of your basket.
    • Weave shorter strips perpendicular to the first two strips, alternating over and under, to form a square or rectangular base.
    • Secure the ends of the strips by tucking them under the nearest woven strip or by using clothespins.

  5. Build Up the Sides:
    • Continue weaving additional strips vertically around the sides of the base, going over and under the horizontal strips.
    • As you weave, make sure the wicker material is tightly packed and that the sides are the desired height for your basket.

  6. Shape the Basket:
    • If you want your basket to have a specific shape (round, oval, etc.), use molds or other objects to help shape the sides while weaving.
    • Continue weaving until you reach the desired height for your basket.

  7. Finish the Top Edge:
    • Fold the top edge of the wicker strips over the last woven row to create a finished edge.
    • Secure the ends of the strips by tucking them under the nearest woven strip or by using clothespins.

  8. Trim Excess Material:
    • Trim any excess wicker material sticking out from the top edge to create a clean finish.

  9. Optional: Apply Wood Glue:
    • If you want extra stability, you can apply a small amount of wood glue to the ends of the wicker strips before tucking them in.

  10. Optional: Decorate and Reinforce:
    • You can add decorative elements or additional weaving patterns if desired.
    • If your basket needs extra support, you can use twine or thin strips of wicker material to reinforce the structure.

  11. Let It Dry:
    • Allow your wicker basket to dry completely. This may take a day or more, depending on the thickness of the wicker material and the humidity in your environment.

Once your wicker basket is dry, you can use it for various purposes, such as storage, decoration, or even as a gift basket. Be patient and take your time, as weaving can be a bit tricky, especially for beginners. Practice and experimentation will help you improve your basket-making skills.